Creteprint FAQs
What is the coverage of the Creteprint Luster Seal?
On average the coverage is 3.5sqm per litre of Luster Seal.
How often should my Pattern Imprinted Concrete be resealed?
Depending on wear and usage. We recommend that you reseal your imprinted concrete every 2-3 years to ensure the surface is well protected and to also increase the lifespan.
Can you use a Luster Seal in the wet/damp?
No, the surface must be clean, free from dirt and grease and must be completely dry.
How do you use Crete-Grip?
The Crete-Grip is an anti-slip additive that is mixed into the Luster Seal solution to achieve enhanced grip on the surface without affecting the appearance.
What is the shelflife of Lusterseal?
There is no real shelf life to the Luster Seal as long as it is stored correctly. Lid secured tightly and kept out of direct sunlight and damp conditions.
I have sealed my drive and it looks white and cloudy?
When the appearance of the sealed surface looks white or cloudy, it is normally due to moisture being present. We call this blooming. It’s not a major worry all it entails is applying another thin coat of sealant when dry or if that doesn’t work then applying some bloom remover to affected areas again when dry and the blooming will be resolved.
What are the benefits of imprinted concrete?
There are many benefits to having imprinted concrete installed. It is low maintenance and weed free, long lasting.